Transport properties of very dilutePdFe alloys from 0.05 to 5 K

The electrical resistivity ρ, thermal conductivity κ, thermopower S, and the thermoelectric ratio G were measured on very dilute Pd Fe alloys, (0.008-0.145)-at.% Fe, in the temperature interval 0.05-5 K. Cooling was provided by a dilution refrigerator and voltages were measured using a superconducting quantum-interference device (SQUID) null detector. Above 3 K, ρ is a quadratic function of temperature. At lower temperatures ρ decreases faster. While the two most concentrated alloys, 0.145- and 0.092-at.% Fe, undergo a magnetic transition at about 1.3 and 0.4 K, respectively, we are unable, due to the lack of any outstanding anomaly, to determine any characteristic transition temperature for lower concentration alloys above 0.05 K. A rise in the thermopower correlates well with the decrease in the resistivity. Again, however, no localized anomaly appears for lower-concentration alloys which could indicate a magnetic-order transition. The results suggest that ultra-low-temperature anomalies observed by us previously on "pure" palladium were not due to iron impurity.

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