Auger decay of neon following energetic ion bombardment

A high-resolution double-focusing electrostatic electron analyzer has been used to resolve Ne Auger electrons produced by 0.15-6.0-MeV H+, 1.0-MeV He+, and 33-MeV 05+ bombardment. Individual K-Auger satellite lines stemming from the decay of multiply ionized neon have been observed. The energies, relative intensities, and production probabilities of these satellite lines were measured as a function of the projectile Z and as a function of proton bombarding energy. Tentative identifications for all observed lines were made by comparison with calculated Auger satellite transition energies. The reliability of the Hartree-Fock calculations used was demonstrated by comparison with e+Ne data and by comparing calculated x-ray transition energies for multiply ionized neon to recent measurements of O + Ne x-ray lines. A rough estimate of the probability of single- and double-2s orbital vacancy production as a function of L-shell defect was obtained. With proton bombardment, the satellite-production probability Qs was observed to decrease smoothly with increasing proton energy. The observation that Qs for 6-MeV proton bombardment was approximately equal to that obtained with equal-velocity electrons is believed to imply that electron shakeoff is the dominant L-shell ionization mechanism for high-energy proton bombardment.