Knight shifts in Si:P and Si:(P,B) in the vicinity of the metal-insulator transition

Recent experimental and theoretical work has suggested that a two-fluid model can be used to describe the magnetic properties of the just-metallic phase of metal-insulator systems such as Si:P. Alternative descriptions based on a Fermi liquid approach have also been put forward to explain the magnetic and other behaviors of these systems. In the present work Si29 Knight-shift measurements have been made on a number of samples of Si:P and Si:(P,B) in the just-metallic region as a function of temperature and electron concentration. The magnetization of the Si29 spin system follows Curie law behavior down to 50 mK. The mean Knight shift is found to be temperature independent in the range 50 mK–4.2 K for both compensated and uncompensated systems. This result is consistent with a proposal that the Si29 spins that are observed in the Knight-shift measurements interact only with the itinerant electron fluid, even though the susceptibility is controlled by the other fluid of localized moments.