Exchange of Microbial Biomass between a Spartina alterniflora Marsh and the Adjacent Tidal Creek

Salt marsh systems of the southeastern United States are characterized by extensive stands ofSpartina alterniflora. These marshes may influence the concentrations of material suspended in flooding and receding tidal waters. The ability of aSpartina alterniflora-dominated marsh to influence the concentration of suspended microbial biomass was investigated through the use of a 142-m long flume. The flume extended through stands of tall-, medium-, and short-heightSpartina. Water passing through the tallSpartina lost a considerable portion of microbial biomass. Initial samples from medium-heightSpartina were collected from water that had already passed through the tall grass. These samples contained 20 to 70% less microbial biomass than did water entering the tallSpartina. Calculations of mass transport suggest that the tallSpartina zone of marsh acts as a sink for microbial biomass while the short-heightSpartina tends to export biomass (to the tallSpartina zone). The marsh as a whole acts as a sink for microbial biomass. Transport estimates from 32 individual tide cycles were modeled to obtain an annual estimate of transport. As a consequence of high variability among individual transport estimates, no annual transport estimate could be distingushed from a net-zero transport.