Fragmentation of a Landscape: Incorporating landscape metrics into satellite analyses of land-cover change

The relationship between trajectories of forest-cover change and the biophysical and social characteristics of the landscape in the mountains of Western Honduras is addressed. Metrics of land-cover change were used to infer patterns of land-use change, using Landsat TM imagery from 1987, 1991 and 1996. With 15-20% of the land cover changing across each two-date period, the study landscape was very dynamic. Areas of reforestation were significantly larger than areas of deforestation, across all dates. Patch size was a good indicator of economic activity. Stable patches of forest and agriculture were fewer and larger, compared to forest regrowth and clearing. Small patches of swidden agriculture were found close to roads, at lower elevations and on more gradual slopes between 1987 and 1991. Between 1991 and 1996, expansion of export coffee production resulted in forest clearings on steeper slopes and at higher elevations. Results highlight the importance of landscape metrics in monitoring land-cover change over time.