Salmonella entericaInfections in Market Swine with and without Transport and Holding

The objective of this study was to compare, by using identical sample types, theSalmonella entericaprevalences and serovar diversities between pigs necropsied on the farm and those necropsied at the abattoir after transport and holding. We necropsied 567 market weight pigs (>70 kg) from six herds. Pigs were alternately assigned to be necropsied on the farm or at the abattoir. One-half of the group was sent in clean, disinfected trailers to slaughter at a commercial abattoir. After transport (mean distance, 169 km) and 2 to 3 h of holding in antemortem pens, these pigs were necropsied. The 50 pigs remaining on the farm were necropsied the following day. The same sample types and amounts were collected forS. entericaculture at both locations. Results show a sevenfold-higher (P< 0.001)S. entericaisolation rate from pigs necropsied at the abattoir (39.9%; 114 of 286) than from those necropsied on the farm (5.3%; 15 of 281). This difference was also observed for each individual herd. All sample types showed a significantly higher prevalence when comparing abattoir to on-farm collection, respectively: lymph nodes, 9.15 versus 3.6%; cecal contents, 13.6 versus 1.8%; 1 g of fecal matter, 25.2 versus 0.7%. Recovery of additional serovars at the abattoir suggests the pigs are receivingS. entericafrom extra-farm sources. This study demonstrates that rapid infection during transport, and particularly during holding, is a major reason for increasedS. entericaprevalence in swine. This finding identifies the holding pen as an importantS. entericacontrol point in the pork production chain.