Magnetic phase diagram of NiCl2·6H2O: The low-temperature canted-paramagnetic boundary and the bicritical point

The magnetic phase diagram of the antiferromagnetic NiCl2·6H2O (TN=5.34 K) was determined from dMdH measurements down to temperatures T as low as 0.35 K, and in magnetic fields H up to 150 kG. The T=0 spin-flop field and canted-paramagnetic critical field were determined as HSF(0)=39.45±0.30 kG and Hc(0)=143.9±1.5 kG, respectively. From these values, the exchange field HE=77.4±0.9 kG and the uniaxial anisotropy field HA=10.8±0.3 kG were obtained. The corresponding single-ion parameters are z|J|kB=11.5±0.3 K and |D|kB=1.61±0.07 K. These values are compared with the ones obtained previously from other experiments. A careful analysis of the temperature dependence of the canted-paramagnetic critical field Hc is presented. For T0.25TN, the T32 dependence predicted by Green's-function and spin-wave calculations is observed. For 0.3TNT0.6TN, the observed T dependence is approximately T52, similar to the results of Rives et al. in MnCl2·4H2O and CoCl2·6H2O for comparable reduced temperatures. Our results suggest that temperatures above 0.3TN are too high for comparing the T dependence of Hc with spin-wave theory. Near the bicritical point (Hb=44.22 kG and Tb=3.940 K) the boundaries were determined with higher precision, and compared with the recent predictions based on scaling and renormalization-group theories. Colinearity between H and the easy axis was achieved to about 0.1 degrees. Least-squares fits indicated good overall agreement with the theoretical predictions for the case where the number of critical spin components is n=2.