Gleichzeitige Erfassung von Hämatokrit, Erythrozytenaggregation und -desaggregation: Methodik, Qualitätskontrolle und Referenzbereich - Simultaneous Measurement of Haematocrit, Erythrocyte Aggregation and -desaggregation: Method, Quality Control and Reference Range

A device for the simultaneous measurement of erythrocyte aggregation and haematocrit under routine conditions is presented. Red cell disaggregation is evaluated by determining the minimum degree of shear required to disperse red cell aggregates. Additionally, the extent of red cell aggregation under conditions of low-shearing force and under no flow conditions is assessed. Quality control in accordance with laboratory guidelines was performed in the course of a study of the haematocrit-dependence of erythrocyte aggregation. It was demonstrated that maximum aggregation occurred at haematocrit values of about 40%. These results show that a comparison of aggregation measurements in different patients or in a single patient during therapy, must be haematocrit-related. In the following paper erythrocyte aggregation is measured at a standardized haematocrit of 45%.