Enhancement, exceeding 40%, of the cytochrome oxidase system at certain NaCl concns. was observed. No significant enhancement of the succinoxidase or the dopa oxidase systems with NaCl, KC1, or KNO3 was found at any concn. tested. Inhibition of the succinoxidase system with NaCl and KC1 was a rapidly increasing function from about 0.01 through 1.0 [image], with physiological concns. (0.9%) inhibiting up to about 50%. Reversibility of this effect was shown. No significant difference in degree of inhibition was found between crude and purified tumor prepns. A differential inhibition response between the succinoxidase and dopa oxidase systems was observed for KNO3. The former was inhibited as with KCl while dopa oxidase was inhibited but slightly, if at all. The implications of the data on the possible role that ions might play in the regulation of some cellular metabolism were discussed.