Addition von Silylenen an Iminoborane

Addition of Silylenes to Iminoboranes[1]Photolytically generated silylenes SiMe2 and SiMes2 are treated with iminoboranes XBNtBu [X = tBu, Me3Si(tBu)N, iPr2N: 1a–c]. The products from SiMe2 and 1a are the four‐and six‐membered rings [–B(tBu)=N(tBu)–SiMe2–SiMe2–] (3a) and [–B(tBu)N(tBu)B(tBu) magnified image N(tBu)–SiMe2–SiMe2–] (4a), depending on the conditions of the photolysis. SiMe2 reacts with 1b to give the six‐membered ring [–BX=N(tBu)–SiMe2–BX=N(tBu)–SiMe2–] (4b). From SiMes2 and 1a,c the three‐membered rings [–BX=N(tBu)–SiMes2–] are formed (2a: space group Pbca; 2c: space group P magnified image 1): SiMes2 reacts with 1b to yield the unexpected four‐membered BNSiN ring [ magnified image B(Mes) magnified image N(tBu)–Si(Mes)(SiMe3)–N(tBu) magnified image ] (5: space group P magnified image 1).