Quantum mechanics in phase space: New approaches to the correspondence principle

We present a time evolution equation that provides a novel basis for the treatment of quantum systems in phase space and for the investigation of the quantum-classical correspondence. Through the use of a generalized Husimi transform, we obtain a phase space representation of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation directly from the coordinate representation. Such an equation governs the time evolution of densities such as the Husimi density entirely in phase space, without recourse to a coordinate or momentum representation. As an application of the phase-space Schrödinger equation, we compute the eigenfunctions of the harmonic oscillator in phase space, relate these to the Husimi transform of coordinate representation eigenstates, and investigate the coherent state, its time evolution, and classical limit (ℏ→0) for the probability density generated by this state. Finally, we discuss our results as they relate to the quantum-classical correspondence, and quasiclassical trajectory simulations of quantum dynamics.