In 23 normal rats the % of plasma of the blood was from 51. 7 to 60. 7, averaging 56. 3%. The blood was from 6. 6 to 9. 6% of the body weight, averaging 7. 6%. Following a control blank operation blood volume determinations were within the normal range. In suprarenalectomized rats having auto-plastic cortical transplants but no demonstrable chro-maffin tissue blood volume determinations were also within the normal range. In suprarenalectomized rats having gross accessory cortical tissue and before the appearance of severe symptoms in those which died later of insufficiency the blood volume showed only normal fluctuations. After severe symptoms of suprarenal insufficiency had appeared or during the final stages of insufficiency there was a reduction in the blood volume, due chiefly to a reduction in plasma. Anaphylactic shock in sensitized rats was accompanied by a reduction in the volume of the blood plasma, the amount of reduction being correlated with the severity of the shock. Histamine poisoning in rats was accompanied by a reduction in plasma volume, the amount of reduction being roughly correlated with size of dose and severity of symptoms, being marked in some instances. It is suggested that inability to maintain capillary tone and normal permeability, probably due to lack of medullary suprarenal secretion, resulting in reduction of plasma volume, is the chief factor in increased susceptibility of suprarenalectomized rats to anaphylactic and histamine shock.

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