Characteristics of BaTiO3 Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition

BaTiO3 thin films possessing ferroelectric characteristics have been successfully synthesized using the laser ablation technique. The films are polycrystalline when deposited with substrate temperature higher than 550°C at 1 mbar oxygen pressure. All of the films are highly textured and dominated by (111) grains. The zero-voltage dielectric constant and ferroelectricity derived from C-V measurement increase with substrate temperature. The best properties obtained are εr=485, P r=0.32 µC/cm2, P s=2.65 µC/cm2 and E c=7.38 kV/cm. The charge storage density is highest and the leakage current density is lowest for 750°C-deposited films. They are Q c=1.14 µC/cm2 and J 1=0.55 µA/cm2, respectively. The results indicate that the BaTiO3 films are promising for application as high-density memory dielectrics.