Diaspirin Cross-Linked Hemoglobin Resuscitation of Hemorrhage

We compared an Osub 2 -carrying fluid, Diaspirin Cross-Linked Hemoglobin (DCLHb), to 7.5% NS/Dextran-70 (HTS) or 0.9% saline (NS) in a trauma (celiotomy) hemorrhage model. Anesthetized rats (n = 10/group) underwent a tracheotomy, placement of jugular vein and carotid artery catheters, and placement of an abdominal aortic flow probe. Rats were hemorrhaged (20 mL/kg) from t = 0-15 minutes, and were given NS (group I), 60 mL/kg, HTS (group II), 4 mL/kg, or DCLHb (group III), 4 mL/kg, from t = 15-30 minutes. Sampling mandated removal of an additional 10 mL/kg of blood during the 2-hour experiment. Mean arterial pressure was restored after hemorrhage in all groups. Oxygen delivery, which diminished dramatically after hemorrhage, was less than baseline in all groups after resuscitation. Oxygen consumption was restored in all groups after a sharp decrease during hemorrhage. Base deficit increased in the all groups but was greatest after normal saline or hypertonic saline resuscitation (t = 120 minutes; I = 12 +/- 0.4sup * , II = 13 +/- 0.5sup * c, III = 10 +/- 0.1sup * ; sup * = p < 0.05 versus baseline value within group for groups I, II, and III; c = p < 0.05 group versus DCLHb (group II), by ANOVA). DCLHb restored mean arterial pressure and ameliorated the development of flow-dependent oxygen consumption. Base deficit, a reflection of systemic oxygen debt, was minimized with this blood substitute. DCLHb may represent a superior small volume resuscitative fluid after trauma and hemorrhage.

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