Critical Appraisal of the Evidence

Based on the relation found to exist between low CSF 5-HIAA and suicide attempt, in particular violent suicide attempt, both in depressed and in so-called nondepressed suicide attempters, the conclusion was drawn that decreased central 5-HT metabolism is related to (auto)aggression, rather than to depression. We challenged this conclusion and that for three reasons: Violent suicide attempt accumulates in certain types of depression making it impossible to conclude whether the biological variable relates to (auto)aggression or to that type of depression as such. Nondepressed suicide attempter is a diagnosis that should be based on presuicidal not on postsuicidal data, in order to avoid false-positive diagnoses. Suicide method is not a reliable index of seriousness of the attempt. Risk/rescue ratio should be used instead. Next the data are discussed that do support the hypothesis that diminished 5-HT metabolism in the brain is related to disregulation of aggression. Finally, the hypothesis is launched that both mood and aggression disorders are related to decreased 5-HT metabolism in the CNS. This would provide a biological explanation for the clinical observation that disorders in mood and in aggression often go hand in hand. Biological research of psychiatric disorders gains in informative value as the psychopathological analysis of the phenomena one studies is more comprehensive. Biological suicide research is no exception to this rule.