We study integrated and differential rates for the production of charged Higgs bosons H± of the minimal supersymmetric standard model via b-quark-initiated subprocesses in pp collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. In detail, we compute cross sections and distributions of the reactions bUbDH+bDτ+ντc.c. and bUbDH+bDtb¯bDbb¯jjc.c., for a H± scalar in the intermediate (i.e., M±<mt+mb) and heavy (i.e., M±>mt+mb) mass range, respectively (U and D represent generic u- and d-type light quarks). In the former case, charged Higgs boson masses up to about 145 GeV can be covered for both large and small tanβ’s. In the latter case, charged scalars can be detected for values of MH± up to about 500 GeV, especially if tanβ is large, and provided that either excellent b-tagging performances can be achieved or the high luminosity option becomes available.
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