We study the cross sections for the production of intermediate mass Higgs bosons via the reactions e−γ→νeW−Φ0, e−γ→νeH−Φ0, e−γ→e−Z0Φ0, and e−γ→e−H+H− in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (with Φ0=H0,h0 and, where possible, A0) at TeV energies, taking into account b-tagging capabilities. We find that the rates for e−γ→νeW−Φ0 are large enough to permit the detection of at least one between h0 and H0 over the whole intermediate mass range of MA0, at all tanβ, using the (jj)(bb¯) final state. The CP-odd neutral A0 and the charged H±’s can be detected via the processes e−γ→νeH−A0, with A0→bb¯, and e−γ→e−H+H−, resorting to the leptonic decay H±→νττ+(ν¯ττ−), but only for MA0≊60 GeV. Finally, we present explicit formulas for the helicity amplitudes of these processes.