Relationship of crop radiance to alfalfa agronomic values
- 1 January 1980
- journal article
- Published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of Remote Sensing
- Vol. 1 (1) , 69-75
No abstract availableKeywords
This publication has 8 references indexed in Scilit:
- Estimating forage crop production: a technique adaptable to remote sensingRemote Sensing of Environment, 1978
- Asymptotic nature of grass canopy spectral reflectanceApplied Optics, 1977
- Remote-Sensing of Crop YieldsScience, 1977
- Albedo measurement for remote sensing of crop yieldsNature, 1977
- Hand-held spectral radiometer to estimate gramineous biomassApplied Optics, 1976
- Crop Forecasting from Space: Toward a Global Food WatchScience, 1975
- Wheat Production Estimates Using Satellite Images 1Agronomy Journal, 1975
- Reflectance of Cotton Leaves and Its Relation to Yield1Agronomy Journal, 1967