Vinblastine Sulfate in Hodgkin's Disease in Pregnancy

A report is presented of a twenty-three year old woman with Hodgkin''s disease who received a therapeutic dose of Vincaleukoblastine during the early months of her pregnancy. The patient delivered a normal, full term infant. The use of chemothera-peutic agents, during pregnancy, is reviewed. The point is made that, though fetal damage is more likely if chemotherapy is used in the first trimester, there are several cases in which their use has not led to injurious fetal effect. Vincaleukoblastine, in tissue culture studies, has been shown to interfere with metabolic pathways leading from glutamic acid to the citric acid cycle. In hamsters, it has been teratogenic in high doses. This case is the first to be reported on the effect of Vincaleukoblastine on the early growth of a human fetus.