"Stretched" states excited in theCa48(p,n)Sc48reaction at 160 MeV

Charge-exchange reactions on N>Z targets can excite unnatural-parity states of stretched configurations which are not analogs of states excited in (e,e) and (p,p) reactions. This "new" class of stretched states is based on a proton-particle, neutron-hole configuration with both the particle and the hole in the same shell. A state of this type (0ω) with a major configuration of (πf72,νf721)7+ is observed to be strongly excited in the Ca48(p,n)Sc48 reaction at 160 MeV; however, no evidence is found for 1ω stretched states based on (πg92,νf721)8 or (πf72,νd521)6 configurations.