Ac Surface Photovoltages in Strongly-Inverted Oxidized p-Type Silicon Wafers*

Surface photovoltages in Si wafers excited with a chopped 559 nm-wavelength photon beam are analysed using a new half-sided junction model. In this model, the wafer surface with the depletion layer is considered to be one half of the p-n junction. Chopping frequency ranges from 2 Hz through 20 kHz. Four 76 mm-diameter p-type Si wafers having resistivities of 260, 92, 17 and 1.0 mΩ m are used after forming 360 nm-thick wet-oxide layer on their front surfaces. In these wafers, photovoltage increases with resistivity. In three high-resistivity wafers with strongly-inverted surfaces, the inversion capacitances and conductances limit the photovoltages at low frequencies. The obtained inversion time-constant is 7 s for the 17 mΩ m wafer.