Convective-microwave drying has been recognized as a convenient option for drying of valuable materials. However, the advantages of the method must be carefully evaluated in order to establish the limits for full scale operating conditions because, as demonstrated in this work, the reduction in the absolute drying time as a function of the applied microwave power is devalued by an increase in the unabsorbed microwave energy, decreasing the overall energy efficiency of the drying process. Experimental study of the energy efficiency of combined microwave-convective drying of agar gel and Gelidium seaweeds was carried out in a laboratory scale microwave-convective dryer by continuously following the absorption of microwave energy by the sample as well as the change of the sample mass during the drying process, under different operating conditions. Several drying strategies based on the on-off application of the microwave power were proposed and evaluated from the point of view of both drying kinetics and energy efficiency in order to program and rationalize the use of microwave energy in the combined microwave-convective drying process.