Quantitative x‐ray microanalysis of spherical inclusions embedded in a matrix using a SEM and Monte Carlo simulations

The current schemes of quantification of x‐ray microanalysis in the SEM [ZAF and σ(ρZ) methods] are valid for specimens of homogeneous composition. The determination of the chemical composition of small inclusions using these techniques is impossible because the volume of x‐ray emission is not of homogeneous composition. A scheme of quantification to determine the composition of small inclusions embedded in a matrix has been developed using Monte Carlo simulations. This scheme is similar to that developed by Kyser and Murata (1974) for the quantification of thin foils deposited on a substrate using x‐ray microanalysis in the SEM.
Funding Information
  • “Fonds pour la formation de chercheurs et l'aide à la recherche du Québec”
  • Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada