Chemotherapy of advanced ovarian cancer with 4'-O-tetrahydropyranyl doxorubicin and cisplatin: a randomized phase II trial with an evaluation of circadian timing and dose-intensity.

The efficacy and toxicity of the new anthracycline, 4'-0-tetrahydropyranyl doxorubicin (THP) (50 mg/m2 intravenous [IV] bolus) in association with cisplatin (100 mg/m2 IV as a 4-hour infusion) was assessed in 31 patients with advanced ovarian carcinoma. Twenty-eight patients were assessable for toxicity among whom 25 were assessable for response (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics [FIGO] stage IIIa, four patients; IIIb, 15 patients; IV, six patients). Nine patients had received prior treatment. Patients were randomized to receive schedule (sch) A (THP at 6 hours, then cisplatin from 16 to 20 hours) or sch B (THP at 18 hours, then cisplatin from 4 to 8 hours). Sch A was hypothesized as less toxic since THP was best tolerated in the late rest span and cisplatin near the middle of the activity span in experimental studies. The rate of clinical complete response (CR) was 52%, that of partial response (PR) was 12%, and the overall clinical response rate (CR plus PR) was 64% (sch A, 73%; sch ...