Chloramphenicol (chloromycetin®) and aureomycin are two of the most promising of the newer antibiotic agents that have extended considerably the possibilities of effective chemotherapy for surgical infections. The knowledge gained from the experimental and clinical use of these two antibiotics has been sufficient to indicate the relative values and limitations of each. This discussion is intended to be a study of the antimicrobial spectrum of aureomycin and chloramphenicol, a review of current methods of administration of these two agents and an appraisal of their clinical effects in a series of patients with surgical infections treated at Cincinnati General Hospital. ANTIMICROBIAL SPECTRUM The range of antimicrobial activity of chloramphenicol and aureomycin in vitro is very similar, many of the gram-negative aerobic bacilli, bacteroides, gram-positive pyogenic cocci, clostridia and certain of the viruses and rickettsia being sensitive to the action of each agent. In table 1, a comparison of the antimicrobial spectrums