Urologic Complications Following Abdominoperineal Resection of the Rectum

• Perusal of the records of 111 consecutive patients who underwent abdominoperineal resection of the rectum for malignant diseases of the rectum or anal canal for postoperative urologic complications revealed that the urethra had been injured in two patients, the bladder in none, and the ureter in five. In only two of these last five patients was the late result of treatment of the ureteric injury satisfactory. The late result of treatment of the two urethra injuries was good. All the patients had been treated with an indwelling catheter for at least ten days after the operation. About one third of the patients still had disturbances of micturition two weeks after the operation, but only one required a permanent indwelling catheter. (Arch Surg 111:969-971, 1976)