Internal Bremsstrahlung Accompanying the Orbital-Electron Capture inBe7

The spectrum of the internal bremsstrahlung accompanying the electron-capture decay of Be7 has been measured in coincidence with the 477-keV γ rays. From the extrapolated endpoint energy of the spectrum, the transition energy to the first excited state of Li7 was determined to be 395 ± 25 keV. The intensity of the internal bremsstrahlung in the energy range from 120 to 360 keV was determined to be (5.45 ± 1.1) × 105 per ordinary nonradiative 1s capture (based on a theoretically predicted LK ratio of 12.4 × 102) as compared with the value of 7.86 × 105 predicted by the theory of Martin and Glauber.

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