Cushing's Syndrome Due to Adrenocortical Hyperplasia

THIS report is concerned with the use of 2,2-bis-(2-chlorophenyl-4-chlorophenyl) 1-, 1-dichloroethane (o,p′DDD) ∥ in the treatment of 2 patients with Cushing's syndrome due to adrenocortical hyperplasia. Although several compounds that are capable of suppressing adrenocortical steroid secretion in man have been described their associated toxicity has prevented prolonged administration. O,p′DDD, an isomer of p,p′DDD (2,2-bis-[p-chlorophenyl]-l,l--dichloroethane), has been shown to be the component of technical DDD, which causes adrenocortical degeneration and atrophy in dogs.1 , 2 In man, o,p′DDD has been reported to suppress adrenocortical secretions in patients with normal adrenal function3 4 5 6 and functioning adrenal carcinomas3 , 5 , 6 and recently in 1 patient with a nontumorous . . .