Causes of Incident Visual Impairment

DATA FROM large cross-sectional population-based studies in the United States, Europe, and Australia show a similar profile of the leading causes of prevalent visual impairment in older, developed communities.1-9 The Wisconsin Beaver Dam Eye Study reported data on the 5-year incidence of visual impairment and doubling of the visual angle.10 To our knowledge, however, no large population-based studies of older persons have reported details of the causes of incident visual impairment. Cause-specific incidence of visual impairment may identify changing trends in the mix of diseases leading to visual impairment and could also provide useful data for health care planners in predicting the need for eye care services and in allocating limited resources. This report from the Blue Mountains Eye Study (BMES) aims to describe the causes of incident visual impairment and of doubling of the visual angle in a representative older cohort of the Australian population.