Cypriniform and salmonid fishes of the Columbia River drainage of western Montana harbor five members of the myxozoan family Myxobolidae. Myxobolus muelleri inhabits Ptychocheilus oregonensis (northern squawfish), Mylocheilus caurinus (peamouth), Richardsonius balteatus (redside shiner), and Catostomus macrocheilus (largescale sucker). Cysts appeared in gills, musculature, subcutis, and visceral mesenteries. Unencysted spores infiltrated mesenteries and viscera. Spore size and shape in the various tissues and hosts were highly varied. Muscle and subcutaneous cysts were associated with connective tissue proliferation and muscle degeneration; cyst rupture was associated with diffuse inflammation and rodlet cell proliferation. Infection prevalence in muscles and kidneys was high in adult and juvenile hosts (78–100%) throughout the year. Seasonal prevalence of gill and subcutaneous infections fluctuated markedly. Cysts of Myxobolus dujardini occurred in gills of the northern squawfish, peamouth, and redside shiner. Unicauda sp. was found in the eye capsule, gall bladder, mesenteries, and kidney of northern squawfish. Henneguya zschokkei occurred in intermuscular connective tissue of Prosopium coulteri (pygmy whitefish) and Prosopium williamsoni (mountain whitefish). Myxobolus sp. occurred in the gills of Catostomus catostomus (longnose sucker).