The concentration dependence of the cubic to tetragonal phase transformation of the CeAgxIn1-x intermetallics is investigated in the silver-rich concentration range by means of resistivity measurements. The measurements show that the concentration dependence of the transition temperatures follows strictly the predictions of the Jahn-Teller-like band model as long as the transition temperatures are above 15K. For the compounds having very low indium contents and for CeAg, another type of phase transformation at about 15K is indicated by the resistivity measurements. The magnetic ordering of the compounds investigated causes a resistivity hysteresis. The magnetic ordering of the compounds investigated causes a resistivity hysteresis. The magnetic ordering temperature, which is about 6K for CeAg, increases with the indium content and supports the assumption that the 4f conduction electron exchange is enhanced by the Fermi energy entering a high density of states peak originating from narrow d type electron bands.