Maximum likelihood angle extractor for two closely spaced targets

In a scenario of closely spaced targets special attention has to be paid to radar signal processing. We present an advanced processing technique, which uses the maximum likelihood (ML) criterion to extract from a monopulse radar separate angle measurements for unresolved targets. This processing results in a significant improvement, in terms of measurement error standard deviations, over angle estimators using the monopulse ratio. Algorithms are developed for Swerling I as well as Swerling III models of radar cross section (RCS) fluctuations. The accuracy of the results is compared with the Cramer Rao lower bound (CRLB) and also to the monopulse ratio technique. A novel technique to detect the presence of two unresolved targets is also discussed. The performance of the ML estimator was evaluated in a benchmark scenario of closely spaced targets - closer than half power beamwidth of a monopulse radar. The interacting multiple model probabilistic data association (IMMPDA) track estimator was used in conjunction with the ML angle extractor.

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