Weekly high-dose cisplatin in malignant pleural mesothelioma

Cisplatin at conventional doses has marginal activity in mesothelioma. A dose-response relation for cisplatin has been suggested in other tumor types. In a phase I study on weekly cisplatin administration, 3 of 5 patients with mesothelioma responded. Therefore, a phase II study with weekly cisplatin was started with the recommended dose of 80 mg/m2/week for six weeks. Fourteen patients with mesothelioma stage II, with measurable lesions, were treated with cisplatin at a dose of 80 mg/m2 weekly for six weeks. Cisplatin was administered in 3% NaCl and combined with ondansetron as antiemetic. Five patients had partial responses (response rate 36%; 95% confidence interval 12%–65%) lasting 2–8 months. Seven patients had stable disease. Ototoxicity, grade 2 in 3 patients and grade 3 in 2, was the most troublesome side effect. Cisplatin given at a higher dose intensity than in conventional schedules is active in mesothelioma. The response duration is short, however, possibly due to lack of effective maintenance therapy.