Age Changes in Secretory Function of Male and Female Rat Parotid Glands in Response to Methoxamine and Pilocarpine

Saliva secreted in response to methoxamine and pilocarpine was collected from the cannulated ducts of both parotid glands of male and female rats at weekly age intervals from three to 10 weeks, and at 3.5, 8, and 15 months of age. It was analyzed for the concentrations of protein, potassium, calcium, inorganic phosphate, and for amylase activity. The types of protein were determined electrophoretically, and an amino acid analysis of the total protein was also carried out. The wet weights of the glands increased substantially up to eight weeks of age, then reached almost plateau values, and finally tended to decrease at 15 months of age in both sexes. The salivary volumes secreted in response to methoxamine and pilocarpine were positively correlated with the parotid gland weights in both sexes. The concentrations of protein, potassium, and inorganic phosphate were inversely related to the salivary flow rates only at relatively low rates of flow. The amylase activity was positively correlated with the concentration of protein, independent of the nature of the stimulus, age, and sex. With methoxamine as a stimulus, the amylase activity was positively correlated with the concentration of calcium, independent of age and sex. The types of protein and amino acid concentrations were independent of the nature of the stimulus, age, and sex up to 15 months of age. However, in parotid saliva of several rats at 8 and 15 months of age, unusual proteins were observed electrophoretically, independent of the nature of the stimulus and sex.