Comparison of DNA Copy Numbers in Original Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas and Corresponding Cell Lines by Comparative Genomic Hybridization

We analyzed regional DNA copy numbers in 4 oral squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) by using comparative genomic hybridization, and compared them with those in cell lines derived from the SCCs. In the original tumors, DNA copy number increases were observed on chromosomes 5p (4/4 cases), 8q (4/4), 20p (3/4), 3q (2/4), 5q (2/4), 7p (2/4), 7q (2/4), 1ip (2/4), 11q (2/4) and 13q (2/ 4). Although most of these changes have been described previously for SCC tumors in the head and neck, the incidence of increases in 8q and 20p was much higher in the present study; this may be important in relation to cell line establishment, since 8q contains c‐myc, which is involved in immortalization. No common chromosomal region with DNA copy number decreases was observed, except for 18q (2/4). When the original tumors and the cell lines were compared, their profiles were essentially similar with one exception. Further, there was no region that commonly changed in the cell lines, but not in the original tumors, suggesting that the DNA copy number changes observed in the cell lines mostly represent those of the original tumors.