Plant regeneration from long term suspension culture-derived protoplasts of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Highly regenerable callus cultures have been obtained from immature embryos of hexaploid wheat cv. Oderzo. Friable fast growing calli were induced at high frequency. Suspensions were initiated from the most friable callus lines: they became established in about two months. Suspensions consisted of cell aggregates of 30 to 1000 um in diameter. Upon plating on MS hormone-free medium, suspensions regenerated green plantlets, and their regenerative capability was maintained for at least 10 months. Protoplasts were isolated from 7–8 day old suspension cultures with a yield of 4–6×106 protoplasts/g fresh weight cells. Protoplast culture was either in liquid medium or in a bead-type system with agarose beads. First divisions were detected at day 5. At day 14 visible colonies were detected and the plating efficiency was evaluated between 2 and 8% over the initial number of protoplasts plated. Protoplast-derived calli were cultured in the presence of 1 mg/l IAA and 0.5 mg/l zeatin and were used for reinitiating new suspension cultures. Upon plating onto MS hormone-free medium, with or without the addition of 0.1 mg/l GA3, calliclones were induced to differentiate. Regeneration of complete plantlets, with shoot and roots took about two months. Plantlets were grown in sterile conditions until 12–15 cm height, and were subsequently transplanted in soil.