A comparison between barley and groundnut as supplements for dairy cows at pasture

In two 12‐week grazing experiments using twelve and eighteen spring‐calved cows in 1976 and 1977 respectively, the effects of feeding either a barley or a groundnut concentrate supplement were investigated. The mean yield of herbage DM on offer was 2330 and 2030 kg ha‐1, with crude protein concentrations of 192 and 193 g per kg DM in 1976 and 1977 respectively. Grazed herbage was the sole feed in the control treatment. In the other two treatments the herbage was supplemented with 3 kg per cow per d of a concentrate containing either 82·2% barley or groundnut with mean crude protein concentrations of 109 and 409 g per kg DM respectively. Similar results were obtained in both experiments with average daily milk yields of 18·3, 19·8 and 19·9 kg per cow on the control, barley and groundnut treatments respectively. The supplements had no significant effects on either milk composition or liveweight change. It is concluded, that with an ample supply of herbage of high crude protein concentration, a supplement of groundnut had no advantages over one of barley.