SElf-Graphing of On-Task Behavior: Enhancing the Reactive Effects of Self-Monitoring on On-Task Behavior and Academic Performance

This study investigated the effects of self-graphing on improving the reactivity of self-monitoring procedures for two students with learning disabilities. Differential effects of self-evaluation and self-reinforcement were assessed along with self-monitoring and self-graphing using a single-case multiple-treatment design. Subjects self-monitored and self-graphed their on-task behavior. Measures of academic arithmetic performance (productivity and accuracy) were collected simultaneously. For both students, on-task behavior and academic performance improved during self-monitoring, with additional increases due to self-graphing. However, little improvement in on-task behavior and academic productivity was noted with the introduction of self-reinforcement and self-evaluation, although academic accuracy increased slightly for both. Implications for research and practice are discussed.