135. Studies on the Chemistry of Cheddar Cheese making

1. Determinations have been made of lactose and lactic acid in whey, curd and curd juice throughout the cheese-making process. 2. The effect of adding salt to curd at various stages of the process on the concentration of lactose and lactic acid in the whey has been investigated. 3. The rate of penetration of salt into curd has been determined, and it has been shown that by the time the cheese is normally hooped but little salt has reached the centre of each curd strip. Within 12 hours after hooping the distribution of salt is substantially uniform. 4. It has been shown that the conversion of lactose to lactic acid by starter bacteria in the cheese vat is almost quantitative. 5. Evidence has been brought forward indicating the presence of bound water in cheese curd. 6. It has been shown that a Donnan equilibrium controls the partition of electrolytes between curd and whey.

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