Soil-Water Characteristic Curves for Compacted Clays

Soil-water characteristic curves (SWCCs) are presented for four compacted clay barrier soils that were prepared at different compaction water contents (dry, wet, and optimum water content) and compactive efforts (standard and modified Proctor). The SWCCs were measured in the laboratory using pressure plate extractors. The shape of the SWCC depends on compaction water content and compactive effort, but compaction water content is more important. Compaction at higher compaction water content or with greater compactive effort results in larger air entry. Also, clays with higher plasticity index have greater air-entry suction. Changes in the shape of the SWCC are consistent with changes in pore size that occur by varying compaction conditions and with the mineralogical composition of the soils. These changes in the SWCC also are reflected in the van Genuchten and Brooks-Corey parameters, which were obtained from least-squares fits to the SWCC data. Regression equations are presented that can be used to estima...