Respiratory, Heart Rate, and GSR Responses From Human Diencephalon

NEARLY a century ago, Hughlings Jackson observed We have... to add to the constitution of the units of the cerebrum, nerve fibers to the heart, great vessels and viscera, or rather probably to regions of the sympathetic system, from which these parts are supplied. The inference we have now arrived at is that the units of the cerebral hemispheres (in the region of the corpus striatum, at least) represent potentially the whole processes of the body.1 Subsequent observations on the effects of human cortical stimulation on vegetative functions have, in a large measure, confirmed Jackson's view and provided many of the details of cortical localization of these functions.2-7 But information on the vegetative functions of that part of the human brain between cortex and hypothalamus (including corpus striatum and thalamus) is scant.8-13 With the advent of stereotaxic surgery for the treatment of motion disorders, the striatum