In vitro Cre/loxP system in cells from developing gonads: Investigation of the Sry promoter

There have been few studies on the regulatory elements of the Sry gene, mainly because no Sry-expressing cell lines have yet been established. This paper describes a useful tool for investigating the regulation and upstream region of Sry by means of the in vitro Cre/loxP system. Using plasmids containing the 9.9 kb mouse genomic Sry previously shown to induce testis development in XX transgenic mice, we constructed a Sry/Cre fusion gene plasmid in which Cre expression is controlled by the 5' and 3' untranslated regions of mouse Sry. To distinguish between male and female gonads of 11.5 days post-coitus (d.p.c.) fetuses, double transgenic fetuses carrying both the CAG (cytomegalovirus enhancer and beta-actin promoter)/loxP/lacZ transgene on the autosome and the green fluorescent protein transgene ubiquitously expressed on the Y chromosome were produced by crossing between two transgenic mouse lines. When Sry/Cre plasmids were transfected into the cells that had been prepared from the gonads, brains and livers of double transgenic fetuses, only a small number of X-gal-stained cells were detected among the primary cultured cells from male and female gonads, and none were detected among the cells from the other tissues. The X-gal-positive cells were negative for alkaline phosphatase, indicating that these cells were somatic cells expressing Sry. The Sry/Cre plasmids with a 0.4 kb upstream region of Sry yielded a large number of X-gal-positive cells in the cells from gonads, including various tissues of 11.5 d.p.c. fetuses, indicating the loss of the tissue-specific expression of Sry. The Sry/Cre with a 1.4 kb upstream region maintained tissue-specific activity of Sry. The results indicate that the present in vitro Cre/loxP system using transgenic mice is a simple and useful system for investigating the regulatory element of sex determination-related genes, including Sry.