Leptonic decays of theΣ−andΞ−hyperons

The decays Σneν¯, ΣΛeν¯ (Λπp), and ΞΛeν¯ (Λπp) were studied using unpolarized hyperons from the Yale-Fermilab-BNL hyperon beam at the Brookhaven National Laboratory Alernating Gradient Synchrotron. The Σ, Ξ, e, and Λ-decay-product momenta were measured by magnetic spectrometers with magnetostrictive wire spark chambers. A threshold C̆erenkov counter and a total absorption calorimeter identified the electron and neutron, respectively. From a sample of 3507 reconstructed Σneν¯ events we have found |gAgV|=0.435±0.035. From a sample of 55 reconstructed ΣΛeν¯ events we have found gVgA=0.17±0.35 assuming that the conserved vector current hypothesis correctly predicts the weak magnetic form factor. A new one-angle Cabibbo fit gives f=0.436±0.010, d=0.812±0.011, and θ=0.232±0.003 radian.