Localization of cytochrome P1-450 and P3-450 genes to mouse chromosome 9.

Treatment of mice with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons results in the induction of P1-450 and P3-450 forms of cytochrome P-450. The genes for both cytochromes were recently cloned and shown to be coordinately regulated by the Ah receptor. The mouse analogs of P1-450 and P3-450 can be distinguished from their hamster counterparts by Southern blot analysis with KpnI-digested DNA fragments. DNA from hamster-mouse somatic cell hybrids that selectively lost mouse chromosomes was used in Southern blots to map the location of the 2 mouse genes. Chromosome segregation analysis of 12 hybrid clones demonstrated that the structural genes for both P1-450 and P3-450 can be assigned to mouse chromosome 9.