We have exposed 22 independent type 2 poliovirus isolates to human intestinal fluid and purified trypsin. In all cases the virus retained its infectivity, while polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of viral proteins showed disappearance of the VP1 bands. Concomitantly, the viruses became resistant to antigenic site 1-specific monoclonal antibodies, indicating that the cleavage took place at the antigenic site 1. Sera from persons immunized solely with the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) neutralized intact type 2 polioviruses more readily than the corresponding trypsin-cleaved virus preparations. The ratio between the neutralization indices for the intact and trypsin-cleaved type 2 polioviruses was not significantly changed by a dose of trivalent oral poliovirus vaccine given to children previously immunized with IPV. These results indicate that while the antigenic site 1 of type 2 poliovirus is immunogenic in humans when IPV is used, the relative role of this antigenic site in human immunity appears to be less critical than that in the case of type 3 polioviruses. Before we obtained these results, only antigenic site 1 had been shown to be immunogenic in type 2 polioviruses.