The variation of four floral characters (resin-gland area, gland-stigma distance, gland-anther distance, and anther-stigma distance) was analyzed across 15 populations of Dalechampia scandens occurring sympatrically, in various combinations, with five other congeners. Univariate and multivariate analysis of variance and a posteriori comparison tests indicate that there are significant statistical patterns of character divergence away from sympatric congeners for three of the floral characters. These characters, which on the basis of common garden studies appear to be under genetic control, may not vary independently; i.e., genetic control may be overlapping. The characters appear to be functionally related. Populations of Dalechampia scandens occurring sympatrically with congeners possessing relatively large resin glands, large gland-stigma distances and large anther-stigma distances (e.g., D. dioscoreifolia and D. affinis) have significantly smaller resin glands, gland-stigma distances and anther-stigma distances than do populations occurring sympatrically with congeners with relatively small resin glands, gland-stigma distances, and anther-stigma distances (e.g., D. cissifolia, D. heteromorpha and D. schottii). Populations of D. scandens not sympatric with other Dalechampia species generally have intermediately sized structures. The pattern of bidirectional divergence is consistent with the evolutionary scenario that selection against interspecific pollination has resulted in local ecotypic differentiation and character displacement in populations sympatric with ecologically similar congeners.
Funding Information
  • National Science Foundation (DEB 77‐24263, DEB 78‐24218)