Bone Marrow Gas Tensions, Bone Marrow Blood Flow, and Erythropoiesis in Man

In normal human subjects bone marrow oxygen tension averaged 41 [plus or minus] 6 mm. of mercury. The aspirate represents venous blood equilibrated with marrow tissue. In hyperplastic marrow the oxygen tension averaged 56 [plus or minus] 8 mm. of mercury, oxygen extraction per volume of blood perfusing the marrow, and arterial perfusion exceeded metabolic demand for oxygen. In hypoplastic marrow, oxygen tension was normal, oxygen extraction was decreased, and metabolism was decreased more than perfusion. Patients with arterial anoxia had very slightly reduced bone marrow oxygen tension and normal oxygen extraction. The increased release of oxygen from hemoglobin at low levels of oxygen tension permits normal oxygen delivery from blood without relative increase in arterial perfusion. Marrow carbon dioxide tension related closely to arterial carbon dioxide tension, and in general values for PCO2 were those expected from the relationships between metabolism and perfusion which were implied by the values for oxygen tension.