Study of the effect of donor source on graft and patient survival in pediatric renal transplant recipients

Evaluation of the impact of live unrelated kidney donor (LURD) source on the outcome of renal transplantation is not adequately studied. We aimed to compare the long-term outcome of kidney transplantation from LURDs to that from living related donors (LRDs) among a pediatric recipient population. This study comprised 235 pediatric recipients who received their kidney grafts between 1976 and 2005 at our center. These patients were further subdivided into two groups according to donor source (211 with LRDs) and (24 with LURDs). All patients’ data were assessed with special emphasis on graft and patient survival as well as posttransplant medical complications. Both groups were comparable regarding graft and patient survival at 1, 5, and 10 years. Despite higher incidence of acute vascular rejection among recipients with LURD (12%) vs. LRD (2.8%) (P = 0.03), there was no difference in the incidence of chronic allograft nephropathy. Moreover, the overall incidence of posttransplant complications was comparable among the two groups. In our series, kidney survival was poorer in LURDs compared with LRDs. However, the number of patients with LURD was small, and the difference in results was also small and justifies LURD in exceptional cases when LRD is not possible.