The paper deals with some Oriental species of Aphellnidae. Types of six species were examined: Encarsia aontdiae Howard, Encarsia planchonlae Howard, Prospaltella luhorensis Howard, Aspldiotiphagus aleyrodis Ashmead, Proaphelinoldes elongatiformis Girault, and Tumidiscapus oophagus Girault. Determined material of Abler us pulchrtceps Zehntner, Encarsia flavoscutellum Zehnt. and Prospalta tristis Zehnt. was also examined. The change and synonyms proposed are : Proaphelinoides a valid genus (Bestiola Nikol'skaja, syn. nov.); Cenlrodora oophaga (Girault), comb. nov. from Tumidiscapus; Encarsia lutea (Masi) (Prospaltella Indica Shafee, syn. nov.); Encarsia tristis (Zehnt.) (Encarsia neomaskelliae Prasad and Prospaltella breviclavata Shafee, syn. nov.) and [Proaphelinoides mirus (Nikol'skaja), comb. nov. from Best tola. Encarsia inaron (Walker), E. Lutea (Masi) and Marietta picta (Andre) arc new records from India. Additional records and notes are provided on the following species : Aplielinus asychis Walker, A. Humilis Mereet, Coecophagoides orientalis (Agarwal), Encarsia perniclost (Tower), Eretmocerus rajas-thanicus Hayat, and Mesidia argiope (Walker). Also earlier records of Eretmocerus cornt (Haldeman) and E. Haldemani Howard are considered as based upon mis-identified material.