Needle core biopsy of the breast with a spring-loaded device

Over a 2‐year period, 151 outpatients with a palpable breast lump requiring needle core biopsy were randomized to a Tru‐Cut 14‐G (T14), Bioptycut 14‐G (B14) or Bioptycut 18‐G (B18) needle. Use of a Biopty gun resulted in less pain than a Tru‐Cut needle. An inadequate sample was obtained after two needle passes in 11 of 49 (T14), none of 51 (B14) and two of 51 (B18) patients (X2 = 14.6, 2 d.f., P = 0.0007). Tissue samples were assessed by a single pathologist for tissue volume and overall diagnostic value; the B14 group scored better than the B18 and T14 for both of these parameters (P < 0.003). The sensitivities were 68(T14), 88(814) and 96 (B18) per cent (overall X2 = 7.3, 2 d.f., P = 0.026). The Biopty gun with a 14‐G needle results in a higher sampling success rate, greater diagnostic sensitivity and a better specimen quality than the Tru‐Cut, and is much easier to use.